Da'Jha Johnson

Hillcrest sophomore, Da'Jha Johnson, scored her 1000th point in Girls Basketball in February! We are amazed by her athleticism and can’t wait to see what other milestones she reaches next!

She is the first female athlete in Hillcrest history to complete this milestone as a sophomore. Da'Jha says her path to basketball success doesn't end here, and hope this is only the beginning.

"I hope to go pro and make my family proud," Da'Jha said. "Being the first girl to do this at my age makes me proud and motivated."

Da'Jha credits her skills to her parents, and growing up playing basketball in her grandfather's gym. She says her grandfather taught her the fundamentals to success while playing basketball.

"It makes me really excited when people consider me as one to watch because it makes me feel like I accomplished something big," Da'Jha said. "I've never really been recognized for something before so this means a lot to me."

We can't wait to see where this Hawk fly's to next!